Bicentennial Volunteers, Inc.

Connecting People with Purpose., Community., Resources., Service., Opportunities.


Bicentennial Volunteers, Inc. is the collective term for three related non-profit organizations – BVI, National Emergency Assistance (NEA) and Retiree Resources Corporation (RRC). We provide Tennessee Valley Authority retirees and former TVA employees with the opportunity to get involved in volunteer work, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) work and TVA contract work. 

Bicentennial Volunteers, Inc.

BVI offers an opportunity to volunteer at the Visitor Centers at Fontana Dam, Kentucky Dam, Norris Dam, and Raccoon Mountain Pumped Storage Facility along with a variety of other volunteer opportunities.

National Emergency Assistance, Inc.

FEMA relies on NEA employees to augment their disaster assistance endeavors all over the United States.

Retiree Resources Corporation

Many TVA retirees and former employees are working through RRC to provide temporary staff augmentation to TVA.

We seek to make an impact in our Tennessee Valley community through the following efforts each year

STEM grants given to Tennessee Valley teachers

Visitors to the TVA Visitor Centers

Tennessee Valley Robotics Teams entered into competitions

RRC employees supporting TVA through staff augmentation

NEA employees deployed to disaster areas

Retirees doing projects to help improve their communities

What’s New?

Bonding with the Next Generation of Tradespeople

Jan 16, 2025 On Friday, Dec. 6, members of TVA’s Labor Supply team joined with our union partner, the Boilermakers, to sponsor a welding competition hosted by Wallace State Community College in Hanceville, Alabama. More than 50 community college trade students from...

TVA Submits SMR Grant Application

Jan 17, 2025 For more than 90 years, the core of TVA’s mission has been to provide affordable, reliable and increasingly clean energy that helps bring American-made jobs to our seven-state region. TVA’s work to deploy a small modular reactor (SMR) is the next chapter...

Building Tomorrow Together: Sara McLaughlin-Johnson

Jan 7, 2025 “Bats are truly incredible. You can feel the wind from their wings as they fly past your face without ever touching you.”  Sara McLaughlin-Johnson, a Terrestrial Zoologist in Biological Compliance, is an extension of TVA’s environmental mission. Whether...

Tom Barnett Appointed to TVARS Board

Jan 8, 2025 TVA CEO Jeff Lyash has appointed Tom Barnett to the TVA Retirement System Board effective Dec. 20, 2024. Tom will replace Tina Wallace on the TVARS Board. Tom joined TVA in 2008, has served in leadership roles in River Management and the River Forecast...

New Caledonia Update

Jan 10, 2025 As TVA pursues opportunities to increase power generation to meet growing demand across our region, we have taken the next step in the review of the New Caledonia site in Lowndes County, Mississippi. The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), which...

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