Community Partners

The TVA Retirees Association is the official organization of all TVA retirees. It was organized to serve the varied interests of TVA and its retirees and their beneficiaries, and to help keep them informed of TVA developments affecting their interests. It has been recognized by TVA as the responsible representative of retirees in conveying retiree views.

Tennessee Valley Robotics partners with non-profit robotics and electric car kit companies, schools, clubs, and organizations to bring robotics and electric car experiences to students in the Tennessee Valley. This is accomplished through the establishment of robotics in the classroom and by teams competing against other teams in regularly scheduled competitions.

STEMready is a website dedicated to those who teach—and learn—science, technology, engineering and mathematics. We hope this site will serve as a window into TVA and all its STEM resources, be they stories, videos, photographs, animations or the experts themselves. And we hope that through STEMready, you will feel our underlying mission to improve lives in the Tennessee Valley.

Currents of Change is a free online educational program that contains everything you need to teach various aspects of US History in your Social Studies classroom. You will find videos, photographs, handouts, primary resources and more. What’s even better, these lessons meet your state’s academic standards.

Tennessee Valley Authority Retirement System (TVARS) is a defined benefit public pension fund based in Knoxville, Tennessee. Established in 1939, the plan covers most full-time and part-time annual employees of the Tennessee Valley Authority. The plan is administrated and operated by a seven-member board of directors.

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