Bicentennial Volunteers, Inc.
Connecting People with Purpose., Community., Resources., Service., Opportunities.
Bicentennial Volunteers, Inc. is the collective term for three related non-profit organizations – BVI, National Emergency Assistance (NEA) and Retiree Resources Corporation (RRC). We provide Tennessee Valley Authority retirees and former TVA employees with the opportunity to get involved in volunteer work, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) work and TVA contract work.
Bicentennial Volunteers, Inc.
BVI offers an opportunity to volunteer at the Visitor Centers at Fontana Dam, Kentucky Dam, Norris Dam, and Raccoon Mountain Pumped Storage Facility along with a variety of other volunteer opportunities.
National Emergency Assistance, Inc.
FEMA relies on NEA employees to augment their disaster assistance endeavors all over the United States.
Retiree Resources Corporation
Many TVA retirees and former employees are working through RRC to provide temporary staff augmentation to TVA.
We seek to make an impact in our Tennessee Valley community through the following efforts each year
STEM grants given to Tennessee Valley teachers
Visitors to the TVA Visitor Centers
Tennessee Valley Robotics Teams entered into competitions
RRC employees supporting TVA through staff augmentation
NEA employees deployed to disaster areas
Retirees doing projects to help improve their communities
What’s New?
TVA upgrades existing hydro fleet
People don’t often think about it, but the power system has inertia, which means that it resists changing quickly. This resistance to change helps TVA maintain a steady flow of electricity even when we have a disturbance, such as a lightning strike or a loss of...
Managing debris from Helene
Hurricane Helene moved through the TVA service area bringing extreme wind and rainfall, despite being downgraded to a tropical storm. Helene’s devastating path of destruction left debris behind, that is now finding its way into the Tennessee River system. A large...
TVA partners with TTU students on innovative robotic solutions
The use of autonomous mobile equipment such as robots and drones for inspecting substations is a technical innovation potentially changing the way the power industry operates through increased accuracy, efficiency, and workforce safety. TVA recently investigated the...
Connected Communities celebrates award-winning partnership
Connected Communities pilot projects TVA’s Connected Communities initiative works with organizations to fund and support pilot projects that address urgent needs and equitably improve communities across the Tennessee Valley Region. These pilot projects aim to...
Newest NEA Employees Receive Disaster Training
onal Emergency Assistance (NEA) offered a 2-week training course on January 22, 2024, in Chattanooga for new employees. The course focused on learning the details of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) position of Program Delivery Manager (PDMG). These students will soon represent TVA and NEA when deployed to FEMA-declared disasters within the United States and its territories.
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