Retiree Resources Corporation
RRC provides opportunities for hundreds of former TVA employees to work staff augmentation positions at TVA. TVA benefits by having experienced workers with prior TVA knowledge, and RRC employees benefit by having income and satisfying work. In order to work as an RRC employee, you must be a former TVA employee or retiree and be in compliance with TVA’s Contractor Return Restrictions.
Check Out What’s New
Sr Project Manager (IT Only)
Start Date: ASAP End Date: 12/16/2025 Pay Range: ~$ 55 - 96/hr. depending on experience Work Location: Knoxville, TN To apply email resume to: administrator@mybvi.org (reference Job number TVA1JP00001999) RESPONSIBILITIES: THE SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER IS RESPONSIBLE...
Frequently Asked Questions About RRC
What is the difference in Retiree Resources Corporation (RRC) and TVA Retiree Services?
RRC is a separate company from TVA. RRC provides staff-augmentation contractors to temporarily supplement TVA’s workforce. TVA Retiree Services is a part of TVA that provides retiree services.
What is the difference between BVI and RRC?
Bicentennial Volunteers, Inc (BVI) was originally created as a volunteer organization for TVA retirees. Retiree Resources Corporation (RRC) was later formed as a separate company and is managed by BVI. RRC hires former TVA employees and retirees who perform staff augmentation work for TVA. Strictly speaking, these folks are RRC employees yet are often referred to as BVI employees.
Is RRC part of TVA?
No, it is a separate non-profit company.
If I work as an RRC employee, will it affect my TVA retiree medical plan?
If you are currently enrolled in TVA medical insurance, employment as an RRC employee will not affect it. The same is true if you are drawing a TVA retirement check; your employment as an RRC employee will not affect it.
How much can I earn and still draw Social Security?
Refer to Social Security website: www.ssa.gov
If a job post shows a 1-year contract period, does that mean the job is guaranteed to last for 1 year?
No contract periods are guaranteed. The contract can be terminated at any time by either TVA or the contractor; however, TVA may also choose to extend the contract period beyond a year, it is at their discretion.
Will changes on my W-4 that is submitted to RRC affect my TVA pension?
No, the W-4 is tied to your RRC employment only.
I would like to perform contract work through RRC. How do I pursue this?
- Register on the BVI Website and sign up for the mailing list. You will receive notifications whenever new RRC jobs are posted on the BVI website. Also, your contact information will be kept on file in case a manager wants to reach you.
- Apply on the RRC job openings posted on the BVI website. Tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying on. Include a cover note to express your interest and point out your key qualifications.
- Network with people you know at TVA. This is the most likely way you will find work as a contractor. Stay in contact with your former TVA colleagues and let them know you are available to assist them. This is how most jobs are filled – informally, rather than through formal job postings.
How does the hiring process work?
Once the TVA hiring manager approves an order to fill a staff augmentation position with an RRC employee, a request is sent to RRC using TVA’s Contractor Management System. RRC then contacts the candidate to further discuss the onboarding process and sends required onboarding documents.
Who sets the pay rate for contract jobs?
TVA sets the pay rate. As the employer, RRC pays its employees biweekly.
What about overtime?
RRC contractors are paid time-and-a-half for any hours worked over 40 in the workweek.